10th District Junior Auction Committee
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10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee


Darrin Mercier, President
Clint Cash, Vice-President
Mireya Masson, Secretary
Jennifer Harrison, Treasurer


Please call 530-227-3191 or email sgfjlac@gmail.com regarding auction and sale details.


Please read all the information provided thoroughly.

Who can buy Animals - Anyone who would like to purchase an animal is welcome to bid at the sale once you have received a buyer's number. All bidding is done on a price-per-pound basis, with the exception of the Bred Dairy Heifers and Bred Beef Replacement Heifers, which are sold by the head.

New Buyers - If you are a new buyer, please proceed to the "Mobile J&C Auction Trailer" (located across the walkway from the sale ring) to fill out a bidder's agreement and to receive your buyer's number.

Established Buyers - If you have purchased with us in the past, a bidder's agreement was mailed to you. Please take your completed agreement to the "Mobile J&C Auction Trailer" (located across the walkway from the sale ring) to claim your number. If you did not receive an agreement, or you have forgotten it, another one can be filled out at the Mobile J&C Auction Trailer. If you have moved or have a new mailing address please remember to update your information.

To Bid Online
you will need to register as a buyer through AuctionTime.com. Review the instructions below and click on the link to follow the process.

Price Support will be offered again this year. You can support an individual exhibitor, entire club/chapter or bump up the minimum price of a species. Be sure to read the document below for more information.

You will be able to View The Auction, without bidding on the day of the sale, at no charge. Look for the "Enter Auction" button.


Your bidder number will be good for both auctions if attending in person, so please bring your number to each one.
If you are also bidding online you will need to register online to obtain a bidders number. You will have two different numbers: 1 for onsite and 1 for online. You will only need to register online one time even if bidding on both auctions.

Online Auction Information

* If you have any questions please contact AuctionTime.com at 908-788-2025.
* If you have ever bid on AuctionTime you DO NOT need to register again, just login to the existing account. If you do not remember your login information please contact customer service at the number above.
* You do not have to register for each sale - once registered you will be set up for all sales.
* The registration information is used for verification of legitimate bidders. Once the bid is won an invoice will be sent.
* There is a default message about 24 hours to process, it usually doesn't take that long if it is done during business hours.
The specific and primary purposes for which the 10th District Junior Livestock Auction Committee, Inc. was formed are charitable and all for the purpose of operating a nonprofit organization for the benefit of the people of the State of California and the youth of Siskiyou County, including, but not limited to the operation of an annual Junior Livestock Auction in the County of Siskiyou for the educational benefit of the young people involved in Future Farmers of American, 4-H, Grange and youth independent exhibitor programs in Siskiyou County.
A very special THANK YOU to Jackson County Expo Board, Staff & Volunteers for assisting us in putting on the 2022 auction!
The following also made this event a success: Mechanic’s Bank for their financial support and employee volunteers; Tri Counties Bank, for providing the buyers posters; JB Dimick and Ron Anderson auctioneers; Jackson County Junior Livestock Auction for providing the buyers' dinner; Raleys & Siskiyou County Farm Bureau for providing the buyers' breakfast; A.I.R Fuels for providing the buyers' lunch; Pepsi for donating the water; Right Click for technical support; Stan Sears, Rex Houghton, Dean Smiley, Barry Peters, Greg Kuck, Steve Balwin & Kermith Walters for ring help; Jackson County community for the welcoming and support and to all the advisors, leaders, parents and volunteers that helped throughout the year to make such a successful event happen for our Siskiyou County Youth.

269 Lots Sold & over $1,200,452.93 raised for local youth Siskiyou County Youth in 2022.


4C Farming
A&M Timber, Inc.
A&M Well Drilling
AWM Construction, Inc.
AWM Realty
Abby Salters
Acer Klamath Forest
Acme Salt Co.
Advantage Paving & Excavating
Advantage Plumbing
All American Ag Credit
Amy Walton
Andrew Hyatt
Arthur R Dubs Foundation
BK Ranch
Bar Q Co.
Basic Fencing, Inc.
Beer, Scott
Belcampo Farms, LLC
Bennett, Debbie
Beth Cottini
Big Timber Incident Management
Bogus Creek Ranch
Bojorquez, Danielle
Bonnie's Bookkeeping & Tax Service
Bradford, Gary
Bray & Associates
Brett & Tana Piersall
Broderick, Kevin
Bryan - Morris Ranch
Burton, Linda
Butcher, Carol
Butt Hut
CLT Logging, Inc.
Cache & Hayley Moyles
Cal Forest Nursery
Cal-Ore Telephone Co.
California Heritage Farms
California Outdoor Properties, Inc.
Caralee Scala
Carlson's Construction
Carroll Cattle Company
Cascade Foam Insulation
Cash's Construction, Inc.
Cerveli Family
Charlie & Pam Hayden
Chester, Cathy
Chuck L Transportation
Claire Heffernan
Clarity Medical Spa
Claussen, Mark
Cliff & Maryann Munson/Kaae Krest Angus
Coastal Farm & Ranch
Cold Creek Enterprises
Columbia Bank
Conover, Doug & Kathleen
Cory Fernandez
Cory Ruth
Cowley D&L
Custer, Cody
Cynthia Wolke
Dan Freitas Livestock
Dangerous Dave & Sons
Danielle & Erich Yokel
Darin Joling Trucking
DeClerk Enterprises/KFC
DeClerk Enterprises/Round Table
Dena Rizzardo
Deputy Sheriffs Association
Downey, Toni Lynn
Downey Heating & Cooling
Downey Trucking & Excavating, Inc.
Dr. Todd Weaver DDS
Driskell Trucking, LLC
Dustin Brown Landscaping
Earl Joling
Eastlick, Rod & Joanne
Eiler Trucking Inc.
Eldon & Beck Beck
Elkhorn Investments LLC
Emergency Command Support
Emergency Water Supply
Essex Veternary Services
Evans Building & Excavating
Fairchild Medical Center
Fairchild Medical Clinic
Fallow Field Legal Services
Fawaz Farming
Finley Farming, Inc.
Fire Monkey Catering Services Inc.
Fire Water Supply
Five Mary's Farm
Fleener, Halli
Forest House Ranch
Fort Jones Lumber
Fournier, Kyle
Fowle-Nelson, Melanie

Gary & Vicki Brookins
Gary Black
Gary Margason
Gary P. Allen, CPA
Geneva Drinkwater Toms
George Weger
Gillis, Cindy
Glenn & Sharon Rizzo
Grange Co-Op
HRF Power Sports
Haggerty, Brianna
Hanssen & Williams Welding
Harris, Preston
Harrison Livestock
Hart Cattle Company/Alex Hart
Hidden Valley Ranch
High Voltage Cattle Co.
House, Shannon
Immen, Koreen
Infinity Electrical Contractors Inc.
Isbell, Clint & Kay
JF Shea
JM Forestry
JVH Hay & Cattle
JW Kerns Irrigation
Jack W. Jennings
James Smoot
Jan Hudson
Janice Hurley
Jason & Kim Iverson
Jed Casandra Merrihew
Jeff Miller
Jefferson Resource Company
Jenner Cattle Company, Inc.
Jenner Family Beef
Jim & Clara Johnson
Jim Scala
Jim & Linda Marchio
Joe Faris Real Estate
John L. Scott Siskiyou/Chris Kutzkey
Johnson Contracting LLC
Jozlyn Jackson
Justin Hall
KK Bar Ranch
Karin Newton
Karle Family
Ken Joline, Sr.
King, Ken
Kivela, Chris
Knechtle Family
Knife River Materials
Kramer, Anne
Kupper, Sue
Ladd, Jacquelynn
Lamrock Ranch
Larivee & Associates
Lassen Canyon Nursery
Law Office of Darrin Mercier
Layton Bros Logging
LeMere, Stefve
Les Schwab So. Oregon
Les Schwab Tire Center
Libby, Ty
Liberty Tax Service
Liz McFarland
Louies Gravel
Lunteys Mountain Water Co.
M. Peters, Inc.
MC Carlton Contracting, Inc.
Mannino, Jay
Marble Mountain Anesthesia
Mach Ranch
Martin Bridwell
Martin's Dairy
Matt & Brenda Johnson
Matt & Janessa Parker
Matthew & Katina Chester
Mayfield Transport/Clemont Family
Mayten Feed & Hardware
McDonald, Leeann
McKinney, Lynn
McQuoid Well Drilling
Mechanic's Bank
Michelle LaGrande
Mike Mickelson
Mike & Tammy Luiz
Miller, Marsha
Miller, Paula
Miner Perk
Morgan, Aime
Morgan Heavy Equipment
Morris, Jerry
Mott Brothers, Inc.
Mountain Air & Cooling
Mt. Shasta Title & Escrow
Musser Sealcoat & Paving
Neer, Mega
Niedermeyer Farms
North River Construction
Novy Ranch
Oakley Construction
Oliver's Saddlery
Orland Livestock Auction
PC Pappas Construction
Pape Machinery Construction & Forestry
Parry's Market
Passalacqua, Jason
Pat Cramer Insurance
Payne, Elizabeth
People's Bank Foundation
Perez Family
Peter Ceccon
Peters, Catarina
Power, Deborah
Premier Cleaning, Inc.
Preszler, Kathy
Prouty Livestock Transporation
R Taylor Ranch
R. Mark Layman
Rafter Box L Ranch
Raylene & Shelby Lang
Red Bluff Bull Sale
Rice Livestock Co.
Rich Klug
Rich Leach Custom Concrete, Inc.
Robert King
Robert Martin Professional Land Survey
Robin Schmidt
Robinson Ranch
Rodney Wood
Ron & Linda Anderson
Roseburg Forest Products
Ruggles Trucking
Russel Carlson & Catherine Bieranoski
Ryen, Jennifer
SB James Construction
Scott Kimball Construction
Scott River Custom Cabinets
Scott Valley Angus
Scott Valley Auto Parts
Scott Valley Disposal
Scott Valley Veterinary Clinic
Scott & Janna Gilatto
Shannon, Samantha
Shasta Forest Products, Inc.
Shasta Livestock Auction
Shasta Springs Ranch
Shasta Valley Chain Saw
Sheriff's Management Unit
Sherman, Ashley
Sherms Food & Less
Sherms Thunder Bird
Simonson, Emily
Sis Q Custom Caps
Siskiyou County Correctional Peace Officers Association
Siskiyou Bowmen
Siskiyou Credit Union
Siskiyou Distributing
Siskiyou Escrow Services
Siskiyou Telephone
Siskiyou Veterinary Services
Smiley Bros. Logging
Smith & Dysert Logging Inc.
Sousa Farm
Sousa Ready Mix
Stan & Libby Sears
Stayers Quality Queen Bees, Inc.
Steve & Dusty Nash
Stoker, Leslie
Swan, Michelle
TN Cattle Co.
Tablerock Ranch
Terminal Management
Thackeray Livestock
The Etna Motel
The Thoughtful Nest
Thomas Evans
Tiffany Eberle
Tim & Michele Johnson
Timber Products
Tom Bengard Ranches
Tom Hayden Ranch
Twigs & Sprigs
Two Byrds Ranch
Valerie Linfoot
Valley Tire & Tackle
Veterinary Service Inc.
Watson, Andria
Watson, Vicki
Whipple, Keith
Whipple Cattle Co.
Whitcomb, Eileen
Will Johnson Electric
Wilson Drywall
Winter, Rachelle
Yarnell, Lynne
Yreka Transfer, LLC

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