Board & Staff
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10th DAA Mission Statement

The 10th District Agricultural Association promotes excellence in agriculture awareness
through the Siskiyou Golden Fair and interim programs under a financially sustainable model.

Board & Staff

The 10th DAA/Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds is governed under the state Division of Fairs & Expositions, a division of the California Department of Food & Agriculture. Locally, a nine-member board of directors governs the 10th DAA.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors are appointed by the Governor.

Alyssa Burrone, President (Fort Jones)
Monet Allen, Vice President (Grenada)

Jason Finley (Fort Jones)
Brandon Fawaz (Etna)
Judd Hanna (Etna)
Chris Kutzkey (Montague)
Darrin Mercier (Montague)

California Form 802

Complimentary Tickets Policy: The 10th DAA Board of Directors will receive eight (8) free grandstand tickets per event during the annual fair, along with two (2) VIP parking passes. It is at the discretion of Management and the benefit of the Association to provide other complimentary tickets to the community (ex. VIP and Season Passes) as necessary. Management must continue to comply with the FLSA requirements. (1/2018)

Permanent Fairgrounds Staff


Blue Ribbon Recipients - Grange Co-Op, Jefferson State Stampede, Jackson County Expo Board & Staff
Lifetime Pass - Stan Sears
2022 Fair Cancelled due to Wildfires
Blue Ribbon Recipient - Shasta Forest Products
Lifetime Pass - Greta Hockaday
2020 Fair Cancelled due to COVID-19
Blue Ribbon Recipient - Tom Taylor
Lifetime Pass - Basil Newton

The 10th District Agricultural Association/Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Board of Director Meetings are covered under the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act. If you have a topic or issue of interest to present to the board, please contact the fairgrounds office at least 10 business days prior to the meeting date to be placed on the agenda. If the topic/issue is not on the agenda, you may present it during Public Comment but there will be no discussion on the matter by the board.

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